Invisible grills are a modern alternative to traditional metal or wooden grills used for safety and security on windows, balconies, or other openings. They are made of high-strength materials like stainless steel cables or polycarbonate sheets and are designed to provide safety without obstructing the view.
Invisible grills are installed using tensioned cables or transparent polycarbonate sheets anchored to the walls or frames surrounding the opening. They are almost invisible from a distance, allowing for an unobstructed view while providing security against falls or intruders.
Yes, invisible grills are designed to meet safety standards and are often made of durable materials like stainless steel or polycarbonate, which can withstand high loads and weather conditions. Proper installation by trained professionals ensures their effectiveness and safety.
1. They provide an unobstructed view, maintaining aesthetics and allowing more natural light to enter the space.
2. They are modern and sleek in design, enhancing the appearance of the building.
3. They are strong and durable, yet lightweight.
4. They are difficult to tamper with, providing enhanced security.
5. They are easy to clean and maintain.
Yes, invisible grills can be installed in residential buildings, commercial spaces, and high-rise apartments. They can be customized to fit various window sizes and shapes.
Cleaning invisible grills is relatively easy. For stainless steel cable-based grills, you can use a mild detergent solution and a soft cloth or sponge to wipe them down. For polycarbonate-based grills, you can use a gentle cleaner and a soft cloth to remove dust and dirt. Avoid using abrasive cleaners or materials that could scratch the surface.